Thursday, January 28, 2010

Would you go to HELL for a burger???

(Ray's Hell Burgers)

So I went to Ray's Hell Burgers for a burger fix (big mistake).  Basically Ray has a steak restaurant, takes all the trimmings from his prime beef to make hamburger's.  Then opened a separate store, and started selling hamburgers with all sorts of fancy cheese and toppings.  My favorite is the Soul Burger, I get it Au Piouve with balsamic grilled onions, mushrooms, swiss cheese, Roquefort blue cheese, cooked to their recommend temp (which is between rare/medium rare).  I also had to have their root beer on draft.........

Post-Rays I'm feeling fat, really fat (I'm talking Will Pringle Mac & Cheese fat).  What was I thinking?  I need to turn my sobriety coin back in.

Estimated Dinner Calories - 1,934

 Ray's Hell Burgers Reviews

 Obama and Biden at Ray's

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

25 Minutes 2.1 Miles

Jim Met, you need run the numbers again.
I ran 2.1 miles in 25 minutes and I looked like this. At that rate, a 12 minute mile, it would take me 5.2 hours to run 26 miles. Not that I am in great shape or anything, but come on man, are you mad?!?!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pringle & Covey: Just Hangin' Out

Man, and I thought I was cool with Steven Covey...

Looking for advice......

So after the Krispy Kreme Incident I decided to go to a motivational speaker (Bill Carrier) and get some "West Point" training tips.  Stay tuned........

BTW - flexing with Will's brother-in-law/Cathy's Brother (Bill "I could kill you with a paperclip" Carrier)

Weigh In.....

Ken Evans - 205/200/198/198
Dave Kennealey - 248/244/241/???
Will Pringle - 218/217/214/212
Jimmy Short - 211/206/204/202
Marv Stone - 275/268/263/261
Alex Vella - 213/210/209/209
Robbie Williams - 211/205/203/203

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Krispy Kreme Incident.....

Damn you Krispy Kreme Korporation (KKK).......  Damn you, and your "Hot Donuts Now" sign.......  Damn those delicious hot donuts, on your cool conveyor belt machine that I can watch in endless fascination......  Damn your employees who respond to the command "I'll take four Hot Ones".......  Damn your retro donut hats that you freely pass out......

Damn you, damn you........

What was I suppose to do while in Winston-Salem, NC ~ Home of the first Krispy Kreme, HQ/Mecca......

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rob Williams Struts His Stuff

Robbie is 8 pounds down and counting!!! Nicely done Rob and thanks for hiding your tattoo.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

I don't workout at "The Pig"......

OK. I never work out at The Pig, its....

And I never work out alone......

(Click on pic to enlarge)

Jim Metcalf wants to run a Marathon (with no training)

So Jim (two-pack) Metcalf has called to float an idea of him running a marathon on his 40th birthday.

Some specifics (from Jim):
  • no training needed - (this is a proof point to how physically fit he is ("I don't need no stinking training")
  • just needs to research sugar water or other stuff to drink during the run
  • 26 miles (52 laps around his son's school track)
  • 5 hours (at the most)

Now this I would L-O-V-E to see this!!!. I'm talking lawn chair, video camera, flags, air horn, and maybe sell tickets.  But what if he has a stroke, heart attack, renal failure.........  I'm sooooo torn.  Watching Jim Met either fail or succeed (priceless), witnessing him directly placing himself in harms way (while I'm being entertained) (heart wrenching).

Anybody have any thoughts on this???  Should he do it?  (If so, how much should a ticket go for?)

Monday, January 18, 2010

New Guy.....

So a new guy has joined the challenge. He is a friend of Ken Evans. His Challenge start date is 01-15-10, and he will weigh-out 15 days after us. Rumor has it he will be sending in a "before" pic. Until then the above will have to do.....

Name: Dave “I want my babyback” Kennealey

Starting Weight: 248

Goal Weight: 224

Weigh In.....

Ken Evans - 205/200/198
Dave Kennealey - 248
Will Pringle - 218/217/214
Jimmy Short - 211/206/204
Marv Stone - 275/268/263
Alex Vella - 213/210/209
Robbie Williams - 211/205/203

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Marv needs help from those north of the Mason-Dixon Line

(Marv's current exercise site)

Marv needs some advice on exercising from those living in the Great White North.  (I believe his Southern upbringing has kept him from asking).

Basically he says it is way too cold to exercise in Mississippi.  This is further compounded since his small town has only one gym.  Marv's wife is good friends with the gym owners wife.  The gym owner decided to stop going with the wife and started going with a 20-something towel girl (who was working at the gym).  Now Marv has to boycott the gym based on his wifes friendship/principles.  And this has forced Marv to have only one place to exercise.....  The Piggly Wiggly.

Now I've been accused of stretching the truth in order to make a good story, but I am dead serious (if I'm lying, I'm dying).  Marv is exercising at the Pig.

If you look at his Loseit and see 10min walk here, and a 20min walk there, thats him at the Pig.  Can you imagine trying to lose weight while "exercising" at a grocery store!?!?!

Now normally I would ask Will for advice, but apparently he doesn't know how to exercise in cold weather either.

Can someone please help these guys??????

Side Bet (cont.)

I think Will Pringle has been eating a lot of poultry, cause I smell.......... C-H-I-C-K-E-N

Five days ago a side bet was issued. No response. (Will was traveling to NYC). But he is back. So I am officially reissuing the side bet, with an addition. For April's weigh in, Will and I will officiate each others weight using the same scale. We will be together at a conference in Seattle Washington for April. This way we will know no "scale cheating" has occured, and Will can pay me in person.

In the voice that Will knows all too well..... (wats a matter Willy, u (sc)ared???)

Better than me...

All I have to say is that I was at Bryan's for Christmas and he was in a lot better shape than me. I think he is in the same category as Jim Met.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bryan Jones (cont.)

Do you think Bryan Jones hasn't joined because he's working too hard, or playing too much?

Come on Bryan, jump into the Challenge....

When is Bryan Jones joining the Challenge??

(Bryan Jones sighting.....)

Bryan Jones has surfaced to leave a comment on the Blog.  When is he joining the Challenge?  You know that boy needs to loose some weight (see above).

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jimmy Short needs advice while traveling.....

(Jimmy's Before Pic.)

Jimmy Short is looking for advice.  He is in Orlando at a convention, being wined and dined.  Is concerned with blowing his diet (eating out a lot, others picking up the tab).  So naturally he is looking for advice from those of us who have traveled a lot.....

Here is my advice (hope you loose a lot of weight):
  • If they bring it to the table and set it on fire, order it
  • Common place items that are overpriced, $40 meatloaf, $50 hamburger, $18 potato chips with blue cheese crumbles, $25 Mac & Cheese....... order it
  • Any dessert that has to be ordered before your main course
  • Chilean Sea Bass, order it, even at a steak restaurant
  • Caesar Salad made at table side, order it, yes go with the sardines
  • Pan Fried Foie Gras
  • Baby animals, or endangered animals, order it, except wooly mammoth, they’re gross
  • Chocolate mousse or Crème Brulee, order both
  • Decaf coffee with alcohol (be sure to tell the staff Decaf), nothing worse than overeating, being drunk, and being wired…… trust me
  • After dinner drinks that are older than you, bonus points when older than parents, grandparents, or famous historical figures

That’s off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more. Good luck!!!

Anyone else have tips for Jimmy?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Side Bet......

Throwing down the glove......

I bet Will $100.00 that I will lose a higher percentage of weight then him at April's weigh in. I also bet $1000.00 that I will keep off a higher percentage of weight for the Jan 2011 weigh in.

Is Will (Mac & Cheese) Boy man enough to step up to the bet????

My wife is a tattletale…..

My wife is such a tattletale. I was at the Circus eating an apple…. big deal….. How was I suppose to know it was a candied apple? It was red after all. It’s not like it was brown (caramel), or blue (raspberry candied apple – my fav.)

I was truly unaware that red apples on a stick were candied. I thought I was being environmentally friendly by buying an apple on a stick (and not having to use napkins).

When I found out it was candied, what was I suppose to do, waste it? I bought all the kids red apples (healthy treat), my wife didn’t want it. So I *had* to eat it. There was nothing I could do.

Mistakes happen right??? Like poor Will ordering $25 macaroni salad, and getting Mac & Cheese instead. What was he suppose to do? Waste it?

And to add insult to injury, my wife made me get out my camera (with my now red sticky fingers) so she could take a picture to post to the blog.

My wife is such tattletale……

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weigh In.....

Ken Evans - 205/200
Will Pringle - 218/217
Jimmy Short - 211/206
Marv Stone - 275/268
Alex Vella - 213/210
Robbie Williams - 211/205
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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fat Boy Award for the week.......

This weeks Fat Boy Award goes to William Albert Pringle IV.

Seemingly Will Pringle feels that not following his budgeted calorie plan, and NOT exercising is his strategy for enriching his friends ($25/pound). There is a lot of RED on his Loseit Chart, and check out his "My Exercise" section...... Nothing, zip, nada.....

Ha, Ha, he posted funny pics of Mac and Cheese, stories of overindulging.....

Ha, Ha, look, here's a check in my mailbox from Will Pringle.

Come on Alpine Animal, get with the Program........

Comments or "suggestions" for this weeks wiener are encouraged and welcomed

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Alex Vella spotted at a Fast Food Restaurant....

So, our very own Alex Vella was spotted at Chick-fil-a yesterday morning by my wife. Apperently they were giving out free yogurt parfaits for breakfast. These parfaits were so strongly calling Alex's name that he walked 40min from his house in order to get one......

That must have been some good parfait....
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Friday, January 8, 2010

Hard Core Workout

Damn That Mac & Cheese was Good!

So there I was. Getting ready to order dinner with my buddy Ken and a few friends at Post 390 Restaurant in Boston. We were having an innocent conversation about having a salad and sticking to our "10% in 100 days" diet. It's $25 a pound for every pound we don't lose, after all, and this is a real competition. I mean, what could possibly taste SO good that it's worth $25 for a few minutes of chewing? AND THEN BAM!!! There was something on the menu that was calling my name so loud that Ken sounded like a muffled mute. "KEN!!!!", I said. "Dude. Buddy. Check it out!" As I drooled I slowly said the following words... "Beer and Bacon Macaroni and Cheese with a Crisp Shallot Crust".

"Robbie would LOVE that!" Ken replied. "Why yes Ken, he would. But then again, he's not here now is he."

Damn. Now that was worth $25.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Key Lime Pie

So my brother-in-law left this morning. For his birthday he didn't want a cake, instead he wanted a key lime pie. He left it behind for us. What a guy...grrrrrrrrrr.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Craving Fried Mac and Cheese....

I am totally craving Fried Mac and Cheese.....

I love the Mac and Cheese (the kind with powdered cheese). The best is when there is extra left over. I take the left overs the next day and fry it up in a pan (so that the noodles are a bit brown and crispy). The Best!!!!!

I don't know if its because I'm missing some calories, or there hasn't been enough starch in my diet. I went to get an apple and whoa, lookie there....... Left over Mac and Cheese....... Calling my name.........

For the love of God MJ, please get rid of it.......... (if you need suggestions, fry it up and bring it to my office).
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Fat Snow Angel

I made a snow angel with my daughter and couldn't get up. At first I was out of breathe, then I realized I was just fat. It's hard to tell from the picture, but my man boobs are in my armpits.

In any event, good day today. Three healthy meals, two healthy snacks. No sugar and less than 2,000 calories consumed.

Marv's before pic.....

(from Marv)

Here you go guys. I just need to lose a little around the love handles!
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Alex's before pic....

(from Alex)

Dear fellow chubby persons,

Please find attached my photo.To put it lightly, this boy needs to go on the fat boy program. Holy Crap, I had no idea! Look at my moobies and the 90 degree angle that used to be the front of my neck. I'm through looking and feeling like this! My daughter Katherine (Kiki) is right, I am a fat boy!

I downloaded an application called LooseIt! on my Iphone. I suggest we all get on it. I put myself on 1,800 calories per day.

For the love of God, I hope I can pull this off as I look like a complet putz!

(I decided not to take a picture of myself in a speedo as not get nabbled for public indecency!


You can learn more about Lose It! by visiting
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Fence Posts

I spent 8 hours yesterday putting up fence posts. Used a post hole digger, carried (12) 80 lb. bags of concrete across the yard, the whole deal! Does that make up for the beer and pizza I had for dinner last night?

This is not the actual fence as evidenced by the treens in the background. At this point we only have the posts in the ground. Plan to attach the panels today. Do you really think that I am capable of building anything that straight, plum and level? Thanks for the vote of confidence though!! I will post photos of the real deal tomorrow.

For My Buddy Robbie Who is Feeling "Grey", Here is Some Counting Crows to Set the Mood. What This Had to Do With Losing Weight I Have No Idea...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Weigh In......

Ken Evans - 205
Will Pringle - 218
Jimmy Short - 211
Marv Stone - 275
Alex Vella - 213
Robbie Williams - 211
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Betting Against the Bulge - Great Article on Losing Weight!

Check out this article I found in the latest issue of American Way Magazine. It's on losing weight and is titled...

We've assembled our own group of friends here to lose the weight, but there are many web sites set up for this kind of thing... just check out, and

I think I burned 10 calories browsing the web today. I am SO going to win this!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Thank God for supportive wives......

They say behind every great man there is a great and supportive wife....... Here's mine eating ice cream as I came back from the gym...... "I tried to finish it before you got back, does that count?"

Thanks Hon
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How did you losers do today?

Me at the Gym at 8pm on New Years Day......... What did you do today?
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