Friday, April 9, 2010

275 to 231

OK. We're out of town tomorrow, so here's my photos. I weighed in this morning, but I'll do it again tomorrow just to make it official!

210 to 188

My weigh in is complete at 188!!!
Woo hoo!!!
Your turn boys I am waiting you you guys to post some numbers and pics!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Read It and Weep...Smackie!!!

(Sung to the tune in my head...accompanied by the happy dance...)
There ain't gonna be no Speedo,
no Speedo,
no Speedo,
There ain't gonna be no Speedo,
no Speedo,
no Speedo,
There ain't gonna be no Speedo for meeeeeeee!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I'm out.....

I'm out....  I'm 10lbs over my goal and decided that I don't want to starve myself for the next two weeks.  You guys rock (I don't).

How do we pay out?  10lbs * $25 = $250

I owe the group $250.

Good luck to everyone.

Free Hashbrowns

If my nearest Waffle House wasn't 300 miles away, I would SO be all over this!

10 Days to go...