Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Elusive 34’s

My 34 story:

My Uncle Roger is the only one on the Williams side that I speak to, and who I view as a father figure. He can be a bit gruff and sometimes crass, but always has a loving spirit about him. It seems every visit he says something that gets under my skin, so my strategy for our last visit was to strike first……

He got into the car….. (this was going to be sooo easy….)

I rub his belly….. “Put on a few pounds there Roger”…… YES!!!….. preemptive strike…… I’m awesome!!! I’m like a cut-down sniper……. LEGEND-DAIRY………

Rogers Response:
“What!?!? You look pregnant…. When are you expecting????” “What size waist are you wearing? Mine is 34….. It’s always 34…. I’ll be damned if I wear anything larger than a 34” “There might be times when I put on my 34’s and they are screaming tight, but I’ll be damned if I go up a waist size”

Note: I tell him I’m wearing 36’s, but am wearing 38’s, and probably need to be in a 40.

Flash to Christmas this year:
My Outlaw (mother in-law) gets me shorts, 34’s…… I can’t wear 34’s, plus they’re IZOD….. when I was in high school I wouldn’t be caught dead in IZOD, much-less IZOD from Sears (I had bad Garanimals experience). So for Christmas, mother in-law shorts two sizes too small………. My new goal…… Yes, I will wear those shorts…… I will, get, into, those, shorts……. (thanks Ma).

I will get into those shorts, and will visit Roger this summer………

My new goal.

The Elusive 34's......
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5 hrs left......

Alright Ladies..... Five hours left until the challenge begins. Has everyone eaten up? Everyone have a full belly? Ready????
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Bryan Jones - MIA

The last time I saw Bryan was Halloween..........

Bryan Jones - No Where to Be Found...

So, does anybody have a more recent photo of Bryan Jones than this?  I'm thinking he should participate, but not sure if he can front the $1,425 if he loses!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Current Roster

  • Robbie Williams - Game On - "In it to win it"
  • Jimmy Short - Game On - "Show me the money"
  • Jim Metcalf - Nope - "I'm too skinny" (and has a two pack)
  • Will Pringle - MIA - "I'm having phantom gallbladder pain"
  • Bryan Jones - MIA - "Checking with Cheryl to see if I'm allowed"
  • Alex Vella - MIA - "cricket, cricket"

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"The Hulk".......

Is Jim Metcalf "The Incredible Hulk"? (I'm just saying)......
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Six Pack ???

Laugh. Look what arrived in my inbox. Met has stepped up to the Challenge and has sent in a pic of his packs...... He has asked me to correct a few things. His waist size is 28" not 26", thinks this is not the best time to be sporting his abs (something about figgy pudding, cookies, and other holiday foods), and would rather send a pic mid-January (when he has lost his "holiday gut").

With his disclaimer said, on to important things..... Does anyone see a six pack? Does he look a bit like Bruce Banner before he turns into "The Hulk"? Is that a gut-sucking grimace on his face?
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Jim Metcalf Out - due to six pack.......

God knows Jim Metcalf likes a challenge.......

So far this year, he has challenged my 18 year son Alex (who is going into the National Guard) to jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, weight lifting, and 1 mile runs.

Needless to say, if you sprinkle in the word "bet" or "challenge" you usually have Jim hooked.  But not this time.....


Because "I have a six pack", "My pants are a 26, the same size as Highschool", "People make fun of me because I'm on the last holes on my belt", "I can't lose any more weight", "I'm as solid as a rock"

Six pack?  Really?  Six Pack?

So Met said he would send a pic. of his pack, that we could post as proof.

That was a week ago.....  no pic. no proof......  Just a challenge that Met didn't step up to.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ten Percent Challenge (10% Weight Loss in 100 days)

So what do you do when you are overweight, and approaching middle age?  

Will Pringle says "I've got the solution, its called the 10% Challenge........   basically you lose 10% of your body weight in 100 days"

My current understanding:
- Goal to loose 10% of body weight in 100 days
- Weigh-in Jan 1st
- Weigh-out sometime in April
- For every pound not lost from your goal weight is $25.00/pound, which goes into a pot
- The pot is collected and split amongst the winners (those who have achieved their 10% goal)
- Smack talk is allowed, and encouraged

Now Will says this is a 10% challenge, but he really wants to make it an 8% challenge, because the last time he did 10% he lost his gall-bladder.  

Well, I say say Will is a baby.  He's already lost the gall-bladder, so he should man up to 10% (not 8%).

Furthermore, I think it's easy to lose weight.  Keeping it gone is the hard part.  I propose a second part to the "Challenge".  Your weigh-out will be your set point for the rest of the year, then on Jan 1st 2011, for every pound over your set point will cost 25.00/pound (to go into a pot).  The pot goes to all who have remained under their set point. 

What do you think?  Are you up for the Challenge?