Monday, January 18, 2010

New Guy.....

So a new guy has joined the challenge. He is a friend of Ken Evans. His Challenge start date is 01-15-10, and he will weigh-out 15 days after us. Rumor has it he will be sending in a "before" pic. Until then the above will have to do.....

Name: Dave “I want my babyback” Kennealey

Starting Weight: 248

Goal Weight: 224


  1. Dude! When Kennealey loses the weight that cow tat is going to look like a shrinky dink!

  2. Hey, he weighed in on 1/ lie. He just took a while to commit.

  3. 241 as of 1/20/10. Down 7 lbs and stopped lifting- all cardio now!

  4. Super-Dave! Loosing weight with every click of the mouse. You're my hero Dave!!!
